GoodGiving Guide Challenge is an all-online fundraising challenge. From November 3-December 12, you can give to more than 150 Kentucky nonprofits, including us! The challenge will begin at 9am on November 3 and will conclude at 11:59pm on December 12. All gifts that are given for the challenge must use the challenge website www.bggives.org.
The GoodGiving Guide is a publication produced by Smiley Pete Publishing and Blue Grass Community Foundation that highlights participating nonprofits. The goal of the challenge is to raise as much as possible for Kentucky nonprofits. The more we, the International Book Project, raise the better chances we have at making every dollar go even further with matches and rewards that are part of the challenge.
How can you help?
Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter or subscribe to our email (if you haven’t already)
Donate between November 3 and December 12 at BGGives.org
Share our posts, emails, our giving page and this challenge with all of your friends and ask them to consider making a donation to the International Book Project
For more information please visit BGGIVES.ORG.