Did you know? We promote literacy and ship books EVERYWHERE! This means both internationally and domestically.
Recently, we learned that we were able to help students in both Cameroon & Utah through one woman’s effort to change lives through literacy.
In 2013, Shoanna was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Cameroon. While in Cameroon we sent books for an after school program . The books arrived safely and the students were overjoyed at the sight! A year later, Shoanna is now an Americorp Volunteer in Utah. Once again, she reached out to us hoping that we could provide books for her new school, Wilson Elementary. It was such an honor to help students in both Cameroon and Utah grow in their love of learning. Thanks Shoanna for allowing us to help!
We always say that if you have an address we can ship to you. We are so glad that people take us up on that offer.
Below, check out the amazing thank you letters Shoanna’s students in Utah sent us!